The Kalos Region Pokédex Like every region in every game, the Kalos region has its own specific Pokédex which contains all the Pokémon available within the region. Solar Blade Type: Grass Physical Base power: 125 Accuracy: 100% PP: 10 (max: 16) This attack charges on the first turn and executes on the second. Games are for only fun time and do never put any spiritual/religional or deity meaning into them! Eclipo have a very simple build. At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's attacking stat is 1.5x with Fire attacks. In-Depth Effect: During sunshine, the Pokémon’s Special Attack raises to 1.5 times but HP decreases by 1/8th the maximum HP every turn. Solar Beam is a Special Attack which takes two turns to use. It evolves from Bunnic when leveled up with high friendship. La Gruta Solar (Scorched Slab en inglés ひでりのいわと en japonés) es una pequeña cueva situada en un lago en la parte norte de la ruta 120. #018 Type Abilities Hidden Ability Mega Ability Gender ratio Catch rate Breeding Hatch time Height Weight Regional numbersPokédex Base experience yield Leveling rate EV yield Body style Footprint Pokédex color Base friendship Stickut is a dual-type Bug/Grass Pokémon. % The Galar Region Pokédex Like every region in every game, the Galar region has its own specific Pokédex which contains all the Pokémon available within the region. After the Hoenn list, there is a list of obtainables in the National Dex.

Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: Charges for the first turn, damages on the second. Pokémon Solar Light & Lunar Dark is a free fangame made in RPG Maker XP and Pokémon Essentials.